December 07, 2008

I should have blogged a week ago. Also, I'm a nosy little person

Shetland triangle shawl is absolutely and completely finished. In fact it's been done so long it's freshly blocked state is starting to pass too. I'm a bit disappointed in that actually. Must be the stubbornness of the Evilla. I forgive it. It's gorgeous anyway.

Shetland Triangle #2 blocking

Shetland Triangle #2 blocking

Taking pictures of the blocking "in progress" reminded me of something I really like as an added bonus when reading knitting blogs. Sometimes, when people present their finished knits and it's not something that is modelled, or when they are so eager to show off their most recent lace that they cannot wait for it to be completely dry and unpinned; you get a sneak peak into their house as well. Amazing knitters, who usually give us exellent pictures of finished knitting in the prettiest set ups give us a glimpse of what goes on behind the scenes of a knitting blog.

I'm sure you know what I mean...
(pictures chosen from a flickr search at random)

When blocking my Evilla shawl the guest bed, that I normally block things on, was occupied. So I set out to block in on the living room floor instead (dangerous thing that, with a 6 year old in the house). When I looked through the gazillion pictures I'd taken of the blocking prosess I realised I'd done it myself.

So here it is, a sneak peek into my living room.

Shetland Triangle #2 blocking

Emergency lengthening of blocking surface is a pink place mat that P bought. I'm still baffled by the fact that I have a man who buys pink stuff for his own house. Then there's the cardigan on the piano stool, it's been hanging there since summer. I plan to make said cardigan into a cover for the stool. The piano, no one in this house knows how to play it. Pictured above the piano are pictures from West Virginia, painted by "dad" (P's distant relative and stand-in dad from his year in WV in 1992). Also in the picture is a variety of fruit and booze and my all time favourite plastic flowers (ick). Also, I can now see that my curtains must have shrunk a bit the last time I washed them.

So, what's your favourite blocking photo?


Bonnie said...

Beautiful shawl! Congrats on finishing. I still have the Evilla you sent me a while ago. I am thinking I may soak the hank in Eucalan before winding it, to "pre-soften" the yarn. I am thinking of using ity for Cheryl Oberle's Basic Black square shawl.

Anyway, I usually open up my futon couch and block on that. It means I can't sit on the couch while the project is drying, but that's much better than not being able to sleep on the bed!

Thanks for the links to blocking photos. It's always fun to see other knitters' homes in blocking shots.

Kverulantinnen said...

Oh, I totally agree! I actually think about this when I post a blocking picture to Ravelry. I'm also the type who likes to take walks in the evenings so that I can get glimpses into people's homes. I love to see how "real" people live instead of the magazines!

Batty said...

I'm another window peeper. Love to see other people's decor, what they're up to... I could call it something else, but I'm just plain nosy. Thanks for the glimpse!

Lovely shawl, by the way. Love the colors.

Elizabeth said...


Bezzie said...

Hee hee! YOu're right! It's funny the shots that DON'T make it to the blog!!

Evilla is downright beautiful!

mathomhouse said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets a kick out of these glimpses into other people's living rooms!