That is all of it. There was nothing else. No random balls of yarn hideing in places you would not expect.
Then we moved Marie into the room we used to use as our office, and the office became significantly smaller. The stash had to move. It needed a bigger house anyway.

Let's just say there is not much room for more yarn. It's nearly full to the brim.

You want to see the yarn party I had when I emptied my stash chest, and then invited all the yarn that lives in strange places in my house too (see my profile)?

The top of that heap of yarn was knee high. I tried to find time to take proper photos of all of it, yarn type by yarn type, but I had no success in that department.
If you read this post and it is no longer April 2007 there might be new additions to the stash. You might be one of those people who like to look at yarn. You can take a look at various pictures of yarn in my Flickr set called Yarn.
Wow. Knee high, eh? Amazing.
I'm aiming for shoulder high so I can swim in mine.
Pretty pretty stash.
Lovely colours of yarn, very pretty.
Gotta appreciate the progress made there!
Knee high... impressive!
Knee high, huh? Sounds like you need some handknit knee socks to traverse that wooly terrain. Safety first, you know!
Knee high? That's a pretty good stash!
That's a great stash! I love your box, too!
It's multiplying!!!!!! Love it!
wow, very impressive progress. your stash looks like it snowed yarn balls.
WOW that's gigantic. Knee high...wow, that's all I can think of to say...WOW
Wow! Awesome yarns there! Knee-highs even! ;)
Wow, what a jump from last year!
Next year... neck high? :)
It grows when you're not looking, doesn't it?
Wow, that's quite the stash you have accumulated there!
I love that chest you keep your yarn in! Nice stash!
Well you certainly did a good job acquiring yarn this year!
Thanks for your comment Guro! see you in chat!
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