June 19, 2009

Summer is officially here

School's out today! This years teacher gift is done and delivered today.

Wrist warmers "Blonde"

Blonde, by Pinneguri/The Needle Lady.
Knit in double stranded Klippan by Mora, five pattern repeats.

The house is full of antisipation. All the laundry is done and the big bags are out of the closet, ready to be filled with all our holiday needs and don't-needs. I've mentally packed all my needed knitting, and it's not a small bag. Starting off with Laredo for my brother. Hoping to get it done by his birthday July 15th.

For the next couple of weeks we're going all the way to the very southernmost part of Norway, to the inlaws holiday house. It's been a couple of years since we've been there and I'm looking forward to it so much. Just look...

Summer holiday

Summer holiday


We'll be going to the lighthouse for ice cream, sunsets and to hear the great wide ocean crash to the shore as often as possible. It's only a 5 minute walk... And I'll find that one spot in the garden where there's no wind and just knit and knit and knit. Internet access is going to be scarse, but hopefully we can get online at least a couple of times while we're there. And if not I'll be back with finished things and pictures to share.

Speaking of finished things, the wrist warmers were just an inbetween project. I've been wizzing through an Ishbel the last week. Only the two last charts to go, and I'm ready to block. I'll be sharing that before I leave.


Guro said...

Å, det der ser virkelig idyllisk ut!
Kos dere masse.

Bezzie said...

I hope your vacation is as lazy as a daisy!!

Elizabeth said...

Can I come, too? It looks lovely. I'll cook a few meals and be a good guest and I'll treat everyone to ice cream.

Seriously though, your pictures make me really want to come to Norway.

marit said...

...nå lengter jeg hjem...

Kos dere på ferie! Håper dere får flott vær- sånn som detKAN være på Sørlandet!