October 30, 2006
Here a baby, there a baby, everywhere a baby-baby
K is becoming a dad sometime in November
H&S are pregnant
K&S are pregnant
My cousin M is pregnant
My cousin B is pregnant
My cousin R is pregnant
My friend A is actively trying to become pregnant (ETA: turns out she is pregnant. I had a hunch, turned out to be right:)
For all I know, there might be more pregnant people around me without me knowing...
Good thing baby stuff can be really fast!
October 23, 2006
First sock of fall
You can however read about them here.
October 16, 2006
I look like Paul Newman? Again?
It's one of the best compliments I have ever had!

Knitting content: I bought yarn when going out for lunch today. I'm now ready to knit chunky socks for my friend. Ene's scarf and I are not friends, I have put her aside after just half a row of knitting. I'm thinking of frogging and making Flower Basket Shawl instead. And I started a cap for a friend of DD yasterday. I'm using my defalult hat pattern Karlchen and Opal sock yarn. Will be done this week I hope. I need a quick FO to boost my knitting ego.
October 14, 2006
Hundertwasser to the frog pond
To comfort myself I have started to cast on for Ene's scarf from Scarf style. Only 58 more stitches to cast on, and then I have to persuade Petter to help me check I have the correct number of stitches, then I am set to go. I'm using 3 mm needles and a 100 % wool weaving yarn called Mora from a swedish company called Klippan, in a gorgeous blue colour.
October 12, 2006

Originally uploaded by G_u_r_o.
I know there is this thing going on called Socktoberfest, all in the celebration of sock knitting. I have not joined (as a matter of fact I have never joined any KAL of any kind as of yet). Before last week I was very happy knitting on Otis and a shawl I have been working on for quite some time. There are also quite a few things I want to cast on for that are not socks. Now that I have this blog there might even be the chance that I manage to kick my own butt and write down a pattern for a thing or two brewing in my head.
However... What I came home from Austria with was sock yarn. Three gorgeous, great 150g(!) balls of Regia 6-ply, bought at the local Spar shop. The brown one was picked by Petters brother. I have wanted to knit him socks since summer, when he showed great intrest in some socks I was working on for his sister. (I have only knit one so far, and the second has to be cast on for soon!) The other two balls I have no plans for yet. All I know is I really like the yarn, and I love that it's for 3-4mm needles. I'm a little bit sick of the tiny gauge (2-2,5mm needle) socks. A girl can never have too much sock yarn, anyway! Right?
I have also promised to knit socks for a friend of mine, in Drops Eskimo or Highlander yarn. I've never knit socks at a gauge of 11 st/10cm. Intresting and quick I hope.
In the midst of all this I cast on for a pair of sideways knit socks on tuesday. More on that to come. All I can say about it is it's kind of weird and I find it sort of interesting in a weird way. And I'm working on it quite a bit, hence tha lack of progress on Otis and Shawl. I can't wait to see if they will actually fit.
I'm also hoping to make some progress on Otis and the shawl this weekend. I'm having quite a bit of knitting time on my hands just by myself. I'm really looking forward to it!
Anyone think I have knitters ADD? Why on earth would you think that?
(And boy was this a messy and incoherent post.)
October 08, 2006
A lovely holiday

Originally uploaded by G_u_r_o.
Austria was gorgeous! The holiday week went really fast. Lots of sightseeing , even more food and not so much knitting.
We arrived in lovely late summer weather and managed one hiking trip in shorts and t-shirts before fall hit in and called for knitwear of various sorts whenever outside. As you can see in the picture there is snow on the mountaintops.
The greatest experience on the trip was out visit to the worlds largest ice-cave, http://www.eisriesenwelt.at/ . Ice formations over 80 years old, over 500 stair steps and no fancy modern lighting just hand held, open flame gas lamps. Breathtaking in more than one way...
I've managed two rounds of ruffle edge on my shawl, so hopefully I'll have an FO pic to post soon. And there was some s.e.x. in Austria too; three 150 g balls of Regia 6-fädig sock yarn.