I've worked on and completed a small number of things since then. Seems like I manage to spend a good deal of time crafting, but not nearly as much photographing or playing online. I've moved my "craft corner" to a different part of the living room, I've tidied everything up a bit and gotten rid of a lot of stuff. A whole bag of scrap yarn and ugh-yarn was donated to M's school. I've frogged three projects I think I would probably never finish and I've now got all my wips in a "sort of" system. I've also spun quite a bit! Things are going on! Now I just have to get a grip on this showing it all off and telling you all about it-thing. It used to be easy, now it's for some reason very hard.
Anyway... The stashbusting blanket is gorgeous and soft and just how I hoped it would turn out. A tad bit boring to work on in the end, but still a very enjoyable project. I gently felted it in the end. Now that's magic. It's so soft and squishy now :)
End of todays story. Hoping to be back with more soon
Pretty and cool and blue and green. Ooh. Very nice!
Superlekkert!! Fargane var heilt perfekte i lag, og det SER mjukt ut..
Høyres deilig ut å ha litt opprydning i UFO'ane. Har vurdert det samme, men jammen sitter det langt inne å rekke opp, gitt.. ;)
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