May 24, 2008

I'm not the only one in my family who is good with sticks

My brother is good with sticks too! In fact he is probably better with his sticks than I am with mine. He also manages to make a living with his, while I can only dream of doing so with mine.

I'm not the only one in my family that is good with sticks

I took this picture on Wednesday when one of the bands my brother is in had a consert in Oslo. Great fun, and I can't wait for them to do another gig here in August.

If you're wondering what is going on around my sticks these days you can have a look here. I'll try to post there more from now on (my goal is every friday). Next time I blog I hope to post something finished. Though I'm not sure at all if I'll manage that. I feel a huge burst of startitis coming on soon too. And there is only one cure for that,as far as I know; cast on, cast on, cast on.

1 comment:

Pinneguri said...

Og mora di er også veldig god med pinner - av slaget staver ;) Selv om jeg ikke har et bilde av det så slo hun meg ettertrykkelig opp på Spanias tak, Mulhacen! Snakk om familie :D