May 25, 2008

A true palm-to-forhead moment!

So there I was, on my porch knitting and enjoying myself. The sun was shining, I was in my bikini and the kid was playing peacefully at the other end of the garden.

Maybe it's because my mind was especially clear today because I got to sleep until 11, I have been getting a lot of fresh air and I have been inhaling a lot of steam from the bath I gave the fleece I bought of my moms cousin a few weeks ago.

After knitting 110 rows of the chart for one stocking and 98 rows for the other one, counless hours spent with this pattern, I suddenly noticed what was written in the legend for the chart. The x box: purl. The blank box: knit through the back loop! Through the back loop, people...

Crap! I'm getting the cherry liqueur and some chocolate right now! I think I need ice-cream too!

May 24, 2008

I'm not the only one in my family who is good with sticks

My brother is good with sticks too! In fact he is probably better with his sticks than I am with mine. He also manages to make a living with his, while I can only dream of doing so with mine.

I'm not the only one in my family that is good with sticks

I took this picture on Wednesday when one of the bands my brother is in had a consert in Oslo. Great fun, and I can't wait for them to do another gig here in August.

If you're wondering what is going on around my sticks these days you can have a look here. I'll try to post there more from now on (my goal is every friday). Next time I blog I hope to post something finished. Though I'm not sure at all if I'll manage that. I feel a huge burst of startitis coming on soon too. And there is only one cure for that,as far as I know; cast on, cast on, cast on.

May 15, 2008

Why the blogging is sparse these days

The world is turning green again, after a long winter.
There are better things to do than sit inside in front of the computer.

Run... Forrest...

Also, I am busy enjoying this. Both the sun and the gardening.

Where I am queen

I do find a bit of time to knit. In fact I wish there was more time to knit. After all, there is a pair of knee stockings that need to be done by May 31st. It's very slow going, lots of patterning and in black. I do feel like I'm gathering speed on this project now. One stocking is over half done and I finished the ribbing on the second last night. Wich means only about 40 cm of charted knitting left on that one. I'll allow myself a *sigh*.

I'll be back after the weekend, with pictures of national costumes most likely.

May 04, 2008


I made a few new friends this weekend. The cutest one was this little girl!

Lamb and I

I also got to take home a nice big bag, 1300 grams, of wool from one of her barn mates. Wool from the farm my grandmoter grew up on. Special wool for me to practice wool prep on.

Also, my aunt loved the shawl I gave her. I got the colour just right.