September 29, 2008

No way is this attractive, charming, bewitching and enchanting!

The bad!
(Be glad this is a small picture or you'd probably faint. Click to embiggen if you dare...)

The GGH people describe this yarn as "An abundance of color
A yarn like a gigolo: attractive, charming, bewitching and enchanting".
I've knit up a whole ball of it and I'd say it's abrasive, chafing, banned (from my stash) and extra-ugly.

50 grams 80 meters, yet I thought it would never end... It's the strangest thing I've ever knit with. Though it's a tape yarn with no apparent loose bits it was for some reason beyond my imagination splitty. The texture is very similar to a pot scrubber or exfoliating glove. My index finger is very smooth today after having 80 metres of Gigolo passed over it last night. The colours are bad and the black and glitter make it worse. It's also in some very weird way very stretchy. I don't know where that comes from at all. (If you click that yarn link up there you'll see it lookded oddly pretty in the ball, wich by the way was a total cheat since the core is a bigass cardboard roll.)

My stash is very relieved to be rid of this abomination. That patch of horridness will become "knit in art form" through By:Garn. It will probably survive anything and everything except sissors.

How I came to knit this up? Theresa found it rummageing through my stash yesterday and we got to talking about the kitches and nasties that can fester in a girls stash. We wondered at great lenght about who could possibly be buying these kinds of things. What kind of knitter would actually use this. I have a hunch it's the same people who wear gold lamè blouses...

It'll be a long time before I say a bad word about yarn ever again. Few things can compare tho the nastiness of this.

(My first yarn review on this blog I think. What do you think? I should lighten up a bit for the next one maybe? Gimme some wool!)

September 24, 2008

Yay for yarn

I went to one of my LYSes for their first S'n'B today.

Not the biggest attendance, but that meant more yarn to fondle for those of us that showed up.

Sneaky-looking LYSgirl

LYS girl and Hespetre's sister unpacking her new shipment of Rowan yarns. Looking very happy sneaky indeed.

Newly stacked yarn


I came home with 7 balls of Rowan Felted Tweed in a pretty blue colour and 4 balls of Rowan Cocoon in a yummy gray, all at a very friendly 30% discount. I have plans for both and will most likely cast on sooner than I should.
(The way to never finish anything: keep casting on stuff like there is no tomorrow)

Hope to see more people there next time Sømsenteret has a knit night!

September 23, 2008

For my norwegian readers

Tror ikke det er ofte jeg er politisk her, men dette er for aktuelt og "hodet på spikeren" til at jeg lar sjansen gå fra meg.

Kjære biskop Kvarme!

Takk for kampen for den rette tro og at homofilt samliv ikke er forenelig med Bibelen og kristendommen! Det står jo klart i 3. Mosebok 18/22 at homoseksualitet er en vederstyggelighet...så det er jo ikke noe å snakke om!

Men nå trenger jeg noen råd om hvordan jeg skal leve etter Guds bud:

1. Hver gang jeg brenner en okse som et offer, vet jeg at dette gir en duft som velbehager Herren( 3.Mosebok 1/9). Problemet er naboene!
De er ikke like begistret over eimen av brent okse.

2. Jeg ønsker å selge datteren min som slave(2. Mosebok 21/7).
Med det prisnivået vi har i dag - hva mener dere er rett pris for henne?

3. I 3. Mosebok 25/44 står det helt klart at jeg kan eie både mannlige og kvinnelige slaver så lenge de er kjøpt i et naboland. En venn av meg sier dette bare gjelder for svensker, og ikke dansker.
Her trenger jeg litt hjelp - kan jeg eie dansker?

4. Jeg har en nabo som insisterer på at han skal arbeide på sabatten. 2.Mosebok 35/2 er helt tydelig på at han skal drepes.
Er jeg moralsk ansvarlig for å gjøre dette selv? Eller tar kirken seg av dette?

5. En venn av meg mener at selv om det er en vederstyggelighet å spise skalldyr (3. Mosebok 11/10), så er homoseksualitet verre. Jeg er uenig!!
Hvem har rett?

6. I 3. Mosebok 21/20 står det klart at jeg ikke må nærme meg Guds alter dersom jeg ser dårlig. Jeg innrømmer at jeg er nærsynt og bruker briller.
Må synet mitt være helt perfekt eller opererer vi med litt slingringsmonn

7. De fleste av vennene mine går til frisøren. De klipper håret på sidene og tar skjegget i kantene. Dette er tydelig en synd i Følge 3.Mosebok 19/27.
Hvordan bør de straffes?

8. Jeg har lest i 3. Mosebok 11/7-8 at jeg ikke må røre rester av en død gris, fordi det gjør meg uren.
Kan jeg likevel spille fotball dersom jeg har hansker på?

9. Min onkel har gård. Han synder mot 3. Mosebok 19/19 fordi han planter to ulike avlinger på samme jorde. Kona er ikke noe bedre, fordi hun går med klær som er laget av to ulike stofftyper (blanding av bomull og polyester). Han har også den uvanen at han banner mye. Er det virkelig nødvendig at vi samler hele byen for å steine dem(3.Mosebok 24/11-16)?
Er det ikke like greit å brenne de til døde i et familieselskap - slik vi pleier å gjøre med mennesker som ligger med sine slektninger(3. Mosebok 20/14)?

Jeg vet dere har gått i dybden på denne type problemstillinger. Jeg er sikker på at dere kan hjelpe meg. Takk for påminnelsen om at Guds ord er evig og uforanderlig!!

Takk for oppmerksomheten.

September 22, 2008

Heading into fall

Grape harvest mittens

My grapes are almost ripe and my "Grape harvest mittens" are 50% done. Grape harvest time is shortly after the first frost night. Might not be all that long until that happens. Luckily, the second mitten will be done in "no time"

I'm getting ready for colder weather in more than one way.

funfur, eek

Very warm funfur and wool hat for M. Just missing the liner and bunny ears!

Snowdrift wip

More mittens for me. Snowdrift mittens, stranded knitting in very old and dry Rauma Finull. I do hope it evens out and softens up after a good wash. This is definately the scratchiest Finull I've touched to this date. It's wool my aunt has stored in her attic for years.

September 18, 2008


M is 6 today!

We celebrated with her cake of choice

Heap o' brownies

A heap of brownies

and I made a big batch of muffins too

Muffin galore

It's nearly all gone now.

I'll be back with knitting content soon. I've made one whole mitten since I last blogged. (could you read that irony?)

September 08, 2008

Socks, socks and a pffft

Thuja colourful socks

Two pairs of socks finished in a week. Both started early this year. Thuja and Yarrow ribbed socks. I'm trying to battle the amount of wips in my basket these days. There's only one unfinished pair of socks in there now, the Falling Leaves socks that I started over 2 years ago. I have 5 lace repeats and the ribbing left on the last sock. For some reason I can't get into this lace pattern like I usually can with a lot of other patterns. The chart has to be within eyesight at all times.

To celebrate the reduction of wips I was planning on starting the Yellow harvest mittens from the latest VK this weekend. That did not happen. For some strange reason I do not own any 5 mm double pointed needles. So there I was with pattern and yarn (Malabrigo in Lacquer red, yum) in hand, and no friggin needles. A bit disappointed is an understatement. Then I thought I'd start the Druid mittens from the same issue instead. I knew I have needles for those. Could not find the blasted yarn. I know I have 6 skeins of some turquise Finull somewhere. But where???

To comfort myself I thought I'd try out something new. Treat myself to a little learning. Domino knitting. What I learned was: I have a short attention span, I find domino knitting boring, I cannot count correctly to 36 twice and I-cord border is boring. With all respect to Vivian Høxbro, this is my last domino potholder.

Pffft blah dishcloth


Buying 5 mm dpns tomorrow!